- 點擊數:15867
- 發佈:2011-05-13
儘管63年來處於周遭敵對的環境中,以色列仍發展出穩定的經濟。以國產業發展的核心,來自於本身的創新與創造力。舉凡在農業、衛生、國防、通訊或其他產業領域,其所有的生產模式皆立足在知識、創新與價值鏈上所有環節的技術。今年以色列的GDP成長為4.5%,失業率則是低於6% 的技術性失業門檻。
There are several reasons for the success of the Israeli industry. One might say that the basic for it is in the Jewish education, which encourages students to challenge the Rabi. Unlike the Confucian societies where a good student is a one that obey his mentor, according to the Jewish education doctrine, a good student should not always take things for granted and challenge his mentor.
Others believe that it is the Israeli behavior that enables its entrepreneurs to keep on inventing the next big thing. The Israeli straightforwardness in helps Israeli businessman to remove any obstacle that is standing between them and their goals. That is often called "Chutzpah" which is audacity for good or bad. The Jewish scholar Leo Rosten's description for "Chutzpah" might shed some light on the broad meaning of the word and how it is eventually help Israeli entrepreneurs. According to Rosten, "Chutzpah" is "gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, incredible ‘guts', presumption plus arrogance such as no other word and no other language can do justice to".
也有人認為,以色列民間企業能持續創造「下一件大事」(The next big thing) 乃因以色列人的性格使然,以色列人不擇手段的性格讓他們在掃除阻礙企業發展的障蔽時不遺餘力。這種性格特質稱作Chutzpah,至於是好是壞 ? 也許猶太學者羅斯頓 (Leo Rosten) 對Chutzpah的定義有助於讓世人了解,這樣的性格特質如何幫助以色列人創業。根據羅斯頓的定義,CHUTZPAH意指惡毒、無恥、膽大妄為、厚顏無恥、不可思議的勇氣、放肆加上傲慢,而沒有其他字眼或語言可以更貼切形容。
But the most prominent factor in the success of Israel's IT industry is the fact that Israel geographic and geo-political situation forced it to be innovative. Due to the fact that 60% of Israel's landscape is a desert, Israeli agriculture is one of the most advanced in the world. It is important to take into consideration that unlike the Chinese, the Jews traditionally were not peasants, and the Jewish Diaspora was never part of the agriculture sector in their home countries. Only after arriving to the state of Israel with the growing need to face the difficulties of the agriculture in a desert climate, Israelis managed to develop its hi-tech agriculture. The lack of water in Israel, led Israel to look for solutions, resulting in such technologies as water dripping and water desalination.
Another case of innovation coming from a no choice situation can be seen in the Israeli military. Along the world history, it is hard to name great Jewish general. However, out of the difficulties of facing a hostile environment and living in a constant security threat, the Israeli military industry is keep on reinventing itself and lead the world military technology. It was after 1967 war, after the French weapon embargo on Israel that Israel military industry started to develop local weapon industry, in order to decrease its dependent on other countries.
Israel's successful track record of market-creating, profit-driving innovations includes:
M-Systems were the first to offer Disk-on-Key and Disk-on-Chip flash memory products, and changed the way people store and handle information.
The Philips Brilliance CT Scanner, developed in Israel, takes a comprehensive picture of a patient in seconds instead of minutes, in the emergency room where every second counts.
以色列在創造市場、驅動利潤的成功創新包括有 : 以色列艾蒙系統 (M-System)是第一個開發出隨身碟(Disk-on-key)及單晶片(Disk-on-Chip)快閃記憶體的供應商,同時改變了世人儲存及處理資訊的習慣。
飛利浦 (Philips) "Brilliance CT"系列電腦斷層掃描掃描器於以色列開發,能在分秒必爭的急診室中,快速完成全身掃描,拍攝病患全身及體內清晰影像。
IP Telephony was invented by the two Israelis who founded VocalTec.
ZIP compression technology was developed by two professors at the Technion, Israel's Institute of Technology.
Given Imaging developed the first ingestible video camera to view the small intestine from the inside, and help doctors diagnose cancer and digestive disorders.
The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.
Comverse invented voice-mail.
Revolutionizing present day agriculture techniques, Netafim developed modern drip-irrigation technology and Israeli companies continue to lead this field with innovative breakthroughs.
網路電話(IP Telephony)是由VocalTec這家公司的兩位以色列籍的創立者所發明。
ZIP壓縮技術由以色列技術研究所(Technion,Israel's Institute of Technology)的兩位教授所開發。
Given Imaging 開發出第一台膠囊內視鏡,可進行消化道攝影,協助醫師診斷癌症及消化系統疾病。
美國在線 (AOL) 的即時通軟體ICQ是4個年輕的以色列人於1996年所開發出來的。
康維斯科技 (Comverse) 發明了語音信箱 (voice-mail)。
在當代農業技術革新上,耐滴芬 (Netafim) 開發出新型滴灌技術,以色列人以持續的創新與突破,在農業技術領域獨佔鰲頭。
The Promised Land of new technologies
Israel claims an economic model based on R&D and technology in all stages of the chain value. It is completing an improvement on fiscal incentives that will exceed the best available in Europe. The Israeli government is encouraging investments through the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. It is responsible for implementing the government policy of encouraging and supporting industrial research and development in Israel. The OCS provides a variety of support programs that operate on a yearly budget of about $400 million. These programs have helped make Israel a major center of hi-tech entrepreneurship. Israel is consolidating its economic model based on knowledge.
With the world's highest percentage of engineers and scientists, Israel's greatest natural resource is its skilled workforce. Highly motivated, resourceful and independent, they enable Israel to stay ahead of the competition. Israel's workforce is particularly competitive because of the informal but effective get-down-to-business culture, exceptional ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit. The combination of culture, skill and initiative creates a flexible, working system that allows for great adaptability while producing breakthrough technologies and quick time-to-market solutions.
The State of Israel encourages local and foreign investment by offering grants of up to 24 percent of tangible fixed assets, reduced tax rates, tax exemptions and other tax related benefits through the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments.
The Law for the Encouragement of Industrial R&D offers conditional grants of up to 50 percent of approved programs. Israel offers one of the world's most advanced infrastructure and the services required to conduct business efficiently and effectively. Israel boasts a sophisticated communications system; reliable energy infrastructure; well-developed transportation system with modern international gateways; protection of trademarks, patents, and other intellectual property; a highly developed and transparent financial system and a legal system based on common and corporate law.
以色列的資本投資鼓勵法 (The Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments),以提供投資金額24%之補助金、降低稅率、免稅或其他相關稅務優惠來鼓勵國內外的投資。
產業研發方面,鼓勵工業研發條例 (the Law for the Encouragement of Industrial R&D) 提供達50%以上有條件的研發補助。以色列提供世界一流的基礎建設與必要服務,讓商業活動能更有效率地進行,尖端的通訊系統、可靠的能源基礎建設、四通八達的交通及快速的國際通關系統、商標保護、專利及其他智慧財產權、高度發展的透明財務系統,以及立基於普通法及公司法上的法律基礎。
Israel's Exceptional Workforce
Israel enjoys one of the most highly educated, entrepreneurial and multi-cultural workforces in the world. It is no wonder that so many profitable innovations come from Israel, which boasts one of the highest number of patent filings per capita. Israel enjoys one of the highest ratios worldwide of skilled engineers in the workforce, according to the 2008 WEF Global Competitiveness Yearbook.
以色列擁有世上最高教育水準、最富創業能力及多元文化的勞動力,無怪乎許多高經濟價值的創新皆來自以色列。這表現在以色列擁有全球最高的人均專利申請數。根據2008年世界經濟論壇全球競爭力年鑑 (WEF Global Competitiveness Yearbook)資料顯示,以色列擁有全球最高比例的技術人才。
Highly Educated & Trained Professionals
Made up of 135 scientists for every 100,000 workers, the highest proportion in the world, Israel leads the world in the quality of its work force. Israeli scientists are educated both at Israel's own excellent institutions of higher education, and abroad, at some of the world's top universities. The quality of Israel's own scientific research institutions is ranked 3rd in the world by the WEF (2008). Further evidence of the excellence of Israel's scientific institutions is provided by the number of Nobel Laureates.
Mathematician Robert J. Aumann received the 2005 Nobel Prize in Economics for explaining conflict and cooperation by means of game theory. In 2004 the Nobel Prize for chemistry was awarded to Professor Aaron Ciechanover and Professor Avraham Hershko, both from the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa (Technion) for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. In 2009 another Israeli scientists, Prof. Ada Yonath, won the Nobel Prize for chemistry and was the first Israeli woman to win Nobel Prize.
以色列每10萬工作人口中就有135位的科學家,比例居世界之冠,其高素質的勞動力領先世界。以色列國內優異的高等教育機構及海外頂尖大學都是培育以色列科學人才的搖籃。以色列國內的科學研究機構評價,依2008 WEF的排名為世界第3,以色列科學研究院培育出多位諾貝爾獎得主,其科學研究機構素質之優異,可見一斑。
數學家歐曼 (Robert J. Aumann)以博奕理論闡述衝突與合作,獲頒2005年諾貝爾經濟獎。2004年,來自法海工業區(Technion)以色列理工學院的戚凱羅(Aaron Ciechanover)與赫許柯(AvrahamHershko)兩位教授,發現了泛素調節蛋白質降解過程 (ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation)獲得諾貝爾化學獎。2009年諾貝爾化學獎頒給了尤納絲教授 (Ada Yonath),尤納絲同時也是以色列史上第一位諾貝爾獎的女性得主。
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Israel is noted for its entrepreneurial spirit, enabling it to quickly transform start-up companies into profitable and competitive companies. This is evident by the fact that Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies outside the United States and an increasing number of companies listed on the LSE. Apart from Silicon Valley, the highest concentration of high-tech companies in the world is found in Israel, with 4,000 businesses. The successful start-up community is supported by the world's 2nd largest venture capital market, as ranked by the IMD Word Competitiveness Report 2007-2008.
以色列以其創業精神聞名於世,他們善於將草創公司快速蛻變為高獲利及有競爭力的公司,這可由以色列擁有在那斯達克(NASDAQ)證交所上市公司家數排名第一,可見一斑。除美國外,以色列在倫敦證交所(LSE)上市公司家數也持續成長中。除了矽谷 (Silicon Valley),以色列是全球高科技公司創業密度最高的國家,國內現有4000家企業。根據2007-2008年瑞士洛桑管理學院 (IMD)全球競爭力報告數據顯示,這個成功的新創社區由全球第二大的創投市場所扶植。
This spirit extends not only to running independent businesses, but also to patent registration. Israel is ranked 5th in the world for number of utility patents per capita by the WEF (2008) and leads the world in patents for medical equipment. In 2006 the OECD ranked Israel as 6th globally for patents per GDP, with 2.3 patents for every billion dollars. This is, in part, due to Israel's government policy which encourages the transfer of knowledge form academia to industry. In fact the WEF, ranked Israel 6th in the world for its research collaboration between university and industry. This close collaboration has successfully converted research into successful, profitable businesses.
這個創業精神的延伸不僅只求企業獨立運作,還包括專利權註冊。根據2008世界經濟論壇 (WEF) 資料統計,以色列的人均實用新型專利(utility patents per capita)數量世界排名第5,醫療設備的專利數量則領先全球。2006年,以國國內生產總值來計算專利平均值,則每1億美元就有2.3個專利,在經濟合作開發組織 (OECD) 的排名為全球第6。這部份是由於以色列政府鼓勵由學術單位到產業鏈的知識移轉政策奏效,事實上,世界經濟論壇(WEF)已將以色列的產學合作研究成效列名全球第六位。產學界密切的合作順利將學術研究成果轉換為成功、高利潤的企業體。
Israel's highly educated populace comes from over 100 countries across five continents. This results in a multi-lingual and multi-cultural by definition. In addition to Hebrew and Arabic, Israel's two official languages, many Israelis are fluent in English, as well as other languages such as Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and many more. The World Business/INSEAD Global Innovative Index for 2007 noted that "Israel . . . has a sparkling economic story to tell in human capacity and technological sophistication . . . Successive governments have invested heavily in education - reinforced by large-scale immigration - to build human capital."
以色列高素質的人口分別來自五大洲的100餘國,這個結果使得以色列成為多元語種及多元文化國家,除希伯來文與阿拉伯文兩種官方語言之外,多數以色列人都能使用流利的英文以及其他如,中文、法文、德文、義大利文、俄文及西班牙文..等第二外國語,2007年歐洲工商管理學院全球創新指標(The World Business/INSEAD Global Innovative Index)中提到 : 「以色列,以亮麗的經濟故事來說明人類的能力與精密科技....歷屆政府在加強教育上耗費鉅資,以大規模移民來建立人力資本」。
The industrial development model
Having selected a production model based on innovation and technology, Israel maintains a set of schemes and tools that converge towards it. In the beginning, at university, there are entities such as Yissum, a company linked to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. "From the outset, the Government was aware of the commercial potential of University to society" Renee explains Ben-Israel, Vice President of Intellectual Property in this company 'financially independent '. With one thousand researchers -this center has won half a dozen Nobel prizes, including that of Albert Einstein, and 18 Wolff awards- and 3,500 projects under way, Ben-Israel says that "only 2-3% of research with a license succeed in the world ", a percentage that Yissum exceeds. At the end of the day this center has produced biotech and life sciences devices and companies as well as other technologies that generate 2 billion dollars annually in sales. At the other end of the value chain we have the five business parks that concentrate sometimes in the periphery to contribute to economic and social development of region where the activity is located. There are 75 companies in these parks, which generate a turnover of $ 700 million and employ 3,500 people.
In contrast, it appears that the Israeli economy does not need a major reform and is not going through difficult times.
以色列選擇了一個以創新與技術為基礎的生產模式,並樹立了一套匯聚兩者的計畫與工具,就從大學開始,例如,位於耶路撒冷的希伯來大學附設伊森研究發展公司 (Yissum) 。從一開始以國政府就意識到學校到社會的商業潛力,Yissum主管智慧財產權的副總裁ReneeBen-Israel 解釋了「經濟獨立」的意涵。這個擁有1000位研究人員的中心,贏得了包括愛因斯坦在內的6座諾貝爾獎,18座沃爾夫獎 (Wolff awards),及3500個正在進行中的專案。Ben-Israel說,世界上擁有許可證的研究中僅有2-3%能夠成功。而Yissum已超越了這個數字,今天以前,Yissum已開始生產生化及生命科學設備,其他技術每年則帶來2億美元的銷售額。在價值鏈的另一端,我們擁有5個集中在中心周邊的企業園區,其在地活動對區域的經濟及社會發展貢獻良多。園區裡共計75家公司,共計帶來7億美元的營業額及3500個工作機會。
With 60% of its territory being a desert, without major natural resources, and with the sword of Damocles of terrorism always hanging over the population's head, the country has managed to strike in six decades an economic model adjusted to two first-rate assets: knowledge and a talent for trade. Thus, according to last competitiveness report from the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) published in 2010, Israel is the world's biggest spender on R & D -4.7% of GDP this year and also the best in the world in terms of qualified labor. According to the report, it ranks second worldwide for entrepreneurship of executives and for the flexibility and adaptability of its population, and third in terms of investment capacity through its many venture capital funds.
以色列在60%領土為沙漠,缺乏重要天然資源以及達摩克里斯之劍的恐怖主義 (the sword of Democles of terroism)註2如影隨形的惡劣條件下,這個國家在60年間已將經濟模式成功向知識與貿易天分-這兩個一流資產的調節。因此,根據去年IMD公布的競爭力報告內容,2010年以色列在R&D的採購金額高達國內GDP的4.7%,同時期勞動力也是全球最佳。根據這份報告內容,以色列的創業管理階層、人口的機動性與適應性及多數避險基金的第三方投資能力,名列世界第二位。
At the macroeconomic level, the situation of Israel would be considered privileged by almost any country worldwide, with a GDP that grow last year 4.5% and unemployment at the end of 2010 under 6%, i.e. under the threshold of technical unemployment. Much of the public finances balance is due to Stanley Fischer, Governor of the Bank of Israel and a popular idol despite being an economist. He was born in Rhodesia (Zambia) 67 years ago, is a former professor of Ben Bernanke, Governor of the U.S. Federal Reserve, as well as a former director at IMF, the World Bank and Citi. He settled in Israel recently for the first time in a stable manner, where he is in charge of the issuing institute since 2005. Regarding Israel, Fischer is concerned by three issues: the price of housing, that has grown 40% in two years, when it had been in decline during the last decade, the strength of the local currency, the shekel, in the context of the international currency war, a key issue considering that about 45% of GDP country thrives on exports, 70%, bound for U.S. and Europe, and especially by the fact that "the quality of education is declining". Determined, as nearly everybody else, to get the 10% of the population which is Jewish orthodox to begin training and working, at present almost 100% of this population lives on subsidies and is dedicated to the study of the Holy Scriptures, he believes that managing the economy in this country "is difficult because you have to handle cultural elements" and estimates that "with peace, we could grow at 6 or 7% annually".
在宏觀經濟的層次上,以色列的發展情況被視為是國際間的特權,2010年4.5%的GDP成長、6%以下的失業率(意即低於技術性失業門檻),大部分公共財政收支平衡是由於以國央行總裁史丹利.費雪 (Stanley Fischer)的成就,這位身兼經濟學者及國民偶像的政府官員,67年前生於贊比亞的羅德西亞,是美國聯準會主席柏南奇 (Ben Bernanke)的論文指導老師,同時也是國際貨幣基金(IMF)的前任理事。近年來,費雪定居在以色列並自2005年起在以色列央行任職。關於以色列,費雪特別關注三個議題 : 房價,過去10年理應下修的房價卻在這兩年上漲了40%。克爾(shekel,以色列貨幣)在國際貨幣戰爭中的強度,而另一個值得深思的關鍵議題,則是以色列約45% GDP來自蓬勃發展的出口業,而其中70%來自對美國及歐洲的出口,人力資源的浪費,特別在「教育水準日漸低落」的實際情況下,佔總人口10% 受過正規訓練與教育的正統猶太人 (Jewish orthodox) 領取政府補助卻僅只從事聖經研究工作。費雪相信,處理文化元素以及如何預估在和平的情況下每年經濟成長6-7%,是領導這個國家的經濟的兩大難題。
Either way, Israel, which at the beginning of last century was based on agriculture and livestock is now the 23rd economy of the world by size, the 8th in innovation according to The Economist Intelligence Unit and its exports include, apart from the traditional citrus and vegetables, many of the goods and services leading the vanguard of economic progress, among others, communications, software, medicine and health sciences, agricultural technology and renewable energy. Israel's technological muscle is overwhelming. Thus, leading worldwide companies in their respective sectors are well established in this country: Microsoft and Cisco created in Israel their first R & D centers outside the United States, IBM made its first capital risk purchase in Israel, Motorola has its world's largest development center; Google already has two R & D centers, Intel produces and researches and employs 7,000 Israelis and so on and so forth to the 350 companies whose R & D employs 35,000 people. These are examples of the results obtained both from the R & D promotion policy as well as from the framework of incentives of all kinds to attract foreign investment chiseled for years. There will be more. According to Rachel Roei-Rothler, Director of the Investment Promotion Center, the department in charge of attracting foreign investment at the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, "the IT is a world leader in spending on R&D and professional qualification IT hosts R&D centers of 350 foreign companies IT is finalizing a tax reduction on profits, down to 12%".
無論如何,上世紀初以農業及畜牧業奠基經濟基礎的以色列,今日已是世界第23大經濟體,根據《經濟學人智庫》(EIU)的創新排名,以色列名列第8。在出口方面,出口品有別於過去傳統的柑橘與蔬菜,許多輸出的貨品與服務居於領導的經濟發展位置,其中包含通訊、軟體、醫藥、健康科學、農業技術及可再生能源。以色列的技術力量具全面壓倒性,因此,世界各個領域的菁英公司也都在以色列建立研發中心,微軟(Microsoft)及思科(Cisco)的第一個美國境外的研發中心在以色列成立,IBM的第一次的風險資本購買在以色列進行,摩托羅拉(Motorola)在以色列擁有全球最大的開發中心、谷歌(Google)則已在以色列設有兩個研發中心,英特爾(Intel)共聘用了7000名以色列人從事產品生產及研發工作,以此類推,350間公司的研發部門共聘用了35000人。這些案例都是受到以色列政府研發推廣政策及獎勵所吸引的各領域外商公司,而他們也已在以色列境內深耕投資多年,未來也將會更多外商公司加入。負責吸引外國投資者的工貿部投資促進中心主管羅斯勒(Rachel Roei-Rothler)說道 : 「身為IT產業的領導龍頭之ㄧ,我們在研發及發展優質專業IT上花費甚鉅,我們以這樣的角色來主持國內350家外商公司研發中心,目前,將稅率降至12%的減稅方案也已定案。」
Parliament intends to complete by the end of this year a tax reduction on profits from 24% to 12% for the Tel Aviv region, and down to 8% in peripheral areas; optionally, there is a grant up to 25% of salaries of employees involved in R&D for four years". These levels of tax rebates can no longer be found, in virtually any country in European Union.
Some employers interviewed during the visit acknowledge that there are countries that do not buy products from Israel because they are at odds with its policy regarding Palestine. But that is another matter. Aware to this problem, Israeli decision makers often say, "One should not mix business with politics." Moreover, as Moshe Goldberg, from the Marketing Department at Iscar, a subsidiary of IMC, an industrial conglomerate of which the American investor Warren Buffett bought 80% for US$ 4 billion in 2006, "we Jews produce more and better under pressure."
I would like to conclude with a quote of Yossi Vardi, one of the founding fathers of the Israeli Hi-Tech industry; "the Israeli secret ingredient is the Jewish mother that tells her son: ‘after all we've done for you asking for a Noble prize is not too much of a trouble'".
部分雇主在訪談時承認,部分國家並不從以色列採購,以反應以色列在巴勒斯坦問題政策上的強勢,但這又是另一回事,以色列的決策者認知到這樣的問題時最常說,「政治與商業活動不該混為一談」,此外,由美國投資客巴菲特 (Warren Buffett )於2006年以4億美元購入80%股權的IMC集團,旗下的子公司伊斯卡(Iscar),其負責行銷業務的高柏格 (Moshe Goldberg)說道 : 「我們猶太人在壓力之下做得更多、更好」。
我想引用以色列的高科技之父尤西.法迪 (Yossi Vardi)的一段話來做個總結 : 「以色列人成功的秘訣就是以色列母親告訴她兒子的話 : 在我為你做了這麼多之後,要求你拿座諾貝爾獎,也不是多大的麻煩。」
Main Figures
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
GDP 國內生產毛額 (以目前匯率計算 單位 : 百萬美元) |
144.0 |
164.0 |
191.8 |
193.1 |
201.8 |
Real GDP Growth 實質GDP成長 (%) |
5.2% |
5.4% |
4.0% |
0.7% |
4.5% |
PER CAPITA INCOME ($) 平均每人國民所得 ($) |
24.271 |
27.395 |
28.473 |
28.160 |
28.800 |
3.3% |
3.5% |
2.1% |
-1.1% |
2.3% |
EXPORTS (M $) 出口 (單位 : 百萬美元) |
62.6 |
71.2 |
80.4 |
70.35 |
81.9 |
IMPORTS (M $) 進口 (單位 : 百萬美元) |
62.2 |
74.0 |
84.1 |
72.3 |
84,8 |
8.4% |
7.3% |
6.1% |
7.6% |
7.2% |
來源 : 以色列工貿部投資促進中心 ; 以色列銀行財政部
The last major operations Investments ($ m)
buyer |
amount |
sector |
companies |
date |
HP 惠普 |
4500 |
ICT 資訊通信技術 |
Mercury |
July 2006 |
4000 |
金屬 Metal |
ISCAR 伊斯卡 |
May 2006 |
1550 |
技術 Technology |
M-system 艾蒙系統 |
July 2006 |
SUN PHARMA 印度太陽藥業 |
454 |
醫藥 Pharmaceutical |
Taro |
May 2007 |
J&J 嬌生 |
438 |
生命科學 Life Sciences |
Omrix |
November 2008 |
SIMENS 西門子 |
418 |
能源 Energy |
Solel |
October 2009 |
325 |
醫療 Medicine |
Ventor |
February 2009 |
3M |
230 |
電子 Electronics |
Attenti |
Aug 2010 |
225 |
軟體 Software |
Guardium |
December 2009 |
TELEFONICA 02 UK 英國 02 UK (02 UK為英國最大行動電話公司隸屬於TELEFONICA) |
207 |
技術 Technology |
Jajah Technologies |
December 2009 |
160 |
醫藥 Medicine |
Medingo |
Apr 2010 |
來源 : 以色列經濟部
作者Mr. Ophir Gore 為Director of Economic Affairs Israel economic and cultural office in Taipei